
Fatwa Related to Business/Project

Calculating Zakat on business assets Company debts / assets Business partnerships Advice on business processes General business advice New business ideas New project ideas More information on fees

Judgement Related to Other Disputes

Validity of Nikah Custody of children Non-financial disputes Please note: All parties involved in the dispute are required to attend before any verdict is issued. The Council will try its utmost best to conclude the case within the first session. However, some complex cases may require further sessions (with additional fees – a quote will … Continued

Islamic Divorce Certification

Both husband and wife wanting to divorce Islamically. Please note: Both husband and wife are required to attend Wife must not be on her menstrual cycle at time of appointment Husband and wife should not have had any intimacy since the wife’s last menstrual cycle Certification is only issued once the wife has completed the ‘iddah … Continued

Judgement Related to Business Disputes

Judgement related to business disputes Disputes between business partners Please note: Cases subject to a disputed amount of £10,000 or less will not be handled. All parties involved in the dispute are required to attend before any verdict is issued. The Council will try its utmost best to conclude the case within the first session. … Continued

Fatwa Related to Personal Finance

Fataawa on specific personal finance transactions such as: Mortgages Car leasing/financing Purchasing items on finance Calculating Zakat on personal assets More information on fees

Halal Certification / Shari’ah Compliance

Halal certification How to set up a company according to the Islamic guidelines Shari’ah Compliance Certifying Zakatable Projects More information on fees

Validity of Divorce

Validity of a past divorce Divorce in anger Three divorces in one sitting Islamic divorce vs civil divorce Cases of Talaaq Validity of Khula’/Faskh To apply for Khula’, please select service ‘Application for Khula’ Please note: Both husband and wife are required to attend. More information on fees

Judgement Related to Financial Disputes

Disputes over finances Please note: Cases subject to a disputed amount of £10,000 or less will not be handled. All parties involved in the dispute are required to attend before any verdict is issued. The Council will try its utmost best to conclude the case within the first session. However, some complex cases may require … Continued

Advice Related to Wali Cases

Women who want to marry but do not have a Wali How to deal with a Wali who is abusing his right of guardianship Fatwa regarding marriage without Wali Please note: Only the wife-to-be and/or any other family member are required for the appointment. The courter (man proposing) is not required for the appointment Cases … Continued

Contract Checking

To check whether a contract conforms to Shari’ah and Islamic requirements Please note: This is an initial consultation to evaluate the nature of the contract. Following which a quote will be given for the complete work. More information on fees