
Free Webinar: In-law or Out-law

Understanding the dynamics of living with in-laws Many couples have difficulty balancing the relationship between their spouse and their extended family. This webinar is vital in understanding how we make the best of our situations. Delivered by Shaykh Farid Haibatan, a senior advisor at the Islamic Council of Europe with years of experience in dealing with … Continued

The passing of Imam Yusuf al-Qaradawi

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاه والسلام على نبينا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين The Islamic Council of Europe would like to send its condolences to the entire Muslim Ummah, it’s Scholars and Duaat for the great loss of Imam Yusuf al-Qaradawi, may Allah shower him with His immense Mercy and raise his status amongst the … Continued

ICE Invited to America! – AMJA

The Islamic Council of Europe was invited by the senior scholars of the Assembly of Muslim Jurist of America (AMJA) to publish, present and attend their annual conference in Chicago, USA. The Paper What is the ruling concerning spouses exchanging pictures in which their private parts are shown, regardless of whether it be live and not … Continued

Parenting Workshop: How to establish a strong relationship with your child

New Parenting Workshop: How to establish a strong relationship with your child The Prophet (saws) said: “When a person dies, all action is cut off for him with the exception of three things: Sadaqah which continues, Knowledge which benefits, Or a righteous child who makes supplication for him” One of the only three things that … Continued

Free Webinar: Raising Righteous Children

Delivered by Shaykh Dr Sajid Umar The webinar will cover: When does parenting begin? What are children’s rights over their parents? How to raise children to be successful? In this one-hour live session, you will learn a 10-point plan to help you raise righteous children, InshaAllah! Date: Tuesday 20th Aug 8.30pm UK BST Register now … Continued

East London Mosque: Islamic Finance Course

Shaykh Dr Sajid Umar was invited by East London Mosque to deliver a private one-day course on Islamic Finance to Imams and students of knowledge from the Bengali community

Join the Fortunate500!

Join the Fortunate500 to help bring victory to Islam!

Marriage Matters Online Workshop

And it is Allah who has given you spouses from amongst yourselves and through them He has given you children and grandchildren and provided you with good things. How can they believe in falsehood and deny Allah’s blessings?… [An-Nahl: 72] Is your marriage the one you had dreamt of? Do you want to unlock the … Continued

Foster Friday

The Islamic Council of Europe are supporting the national #FosterFriday campaign by My Foster Family To register your Mosque and receive a Friday sermon information pack visit: https://muslimfosternetwork.org.uk/foster-friday